Selected T. B. Maston Writings


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In the Image of God (3/22/73)

And God said, Let us make man in our image . . . so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created him; male and female created he them (Genesis 1:26-27, KJV)

And Samaria (4/26/73)

And ye shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8, RSV)

Issues and Answers (3/27/68)

“Issues and Answers” is the title of a series of pamphlets by the Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Their subjects are alcohol, communism, gambling, honesty, juvenile delinquency, mass media, peace, pornography, poverty, and race relations.

Denominational Politics (4/3/68)

Some contend that nothing should be said in public, particularly in print, about denominational politics. My viewpoint is that there is little hope for correction of the situation unless Baptists generally know about it.

Threats to the SBC (4/10/68)

We should be grateful to God for His evident blessings upon our denomination. But we should be alert to tendencies that threaten to reduce, if not to destroy, its effectiveness.

He Went About Doing Good (4/17/68)

This five-word biography of Jesus, “He went about doing good,” was part of the sermon of Peter in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10:38). This statement has deep meaning for followers of Christ.

Basic Laws of Life (4/24/68)

The basic laws of life are not dependent on a written formula. Their validity rests in their very nature. The validity of the statutes of any government or governmental agency ultimately depends on whether those statutes are grounded in, and expressive of, the basic laws of God.

Riots and Rights (6/5/68)

American cities in recent years have been torn by riots. Many white Americans, including some Christians, because they disapprove the rioting, are tending to deny the rights of our Negro citizens.

Sins in Sanctuary (7/10/68)

It may sound sacrilegious to speak of sins in the sanctuary. It should be remembered, however, that Jesus cleansed the temple. It is possible that contemporary churches need to be cleansed.

Ministerial Itch (11/13/68)

Some ministers have itching hands. Their hands reach out for more and more material things: a bigger salary, more liberal fringe benefits, and a nicer home. They may stretch out their hands for special ministerial discounts. We should be grateful that this practice is not as prevalent as formerly.

Who Is the Good Christian? (1/23/69)

It is unfortunate that we feel that it is necessary to insert “good” or “real” as a prefix to Christian. It should be sufficient for one simply to be known as a Christian, but it is not. There are entirely too many “Christians” who are merely nominal Christians.