Application Guidelines for T. B. Maston Scholarship in the Study of Christian EthicsThe T. B. Maston Scholarship is established to honor the life and service of Dr. T. B. Maston. Because of his life and work, Christian Ethics became a field of academic inquiry at every Baptist seminary. Dr. Maston helped to birth Baptist Christian Life Commissions, both on the national level and in several of the Baptist state conventions. He influenced thousands of Baptist students to consider the ethical as a concern of the church. He contributed to 27 books on ethics. His influence was key in making it unacceptable for congregations to ignore the needs of the poor, the disenfranchised, the hungry, and the hurting. Dr. Maston’s favorite Scripture verse was 1 John 2:6 – “Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” (NIV) Until his death in 1988, T. B. Maston always challenged himself and others in the Baptist tradition to live out an authentically Christ-like life. |
The Purpose of the ScholarshipThe T. B. Maston Scholarship is established to encourage on-going leadership and scholarship in the field of Christian ethics, and to challenge others in the Baptist tradition to live out an authentic Christ-like ethic. |
The CandidateThe recipient of the T. B. Maston Scholarship is to be someone who reflects the integrity, commitment, and passion of T. B. Maston in his or her scholarship and life. The candidate should be a doctoral student in a PhD, ThD, or DMin program, pursuing studies in any field (theology, history, Bible, etc.) whose research and dissertation/thesis focus on Christian Ethics. The candidate should be rooted in Baptist congregational life, involved in “historic” Baptist traditions, and committed to research and study that will engage the larger Christian community and the world in living life ethically. |
Description of the T. B. Maston Scholarship and Scholarship ProcedureThe T. B. Maston Scholarship is a one-time grant presented to a graduate student or post-graduate student in the field of Christian Ethics. Applications are submitted to the Scholarship Committee of the T. B. Maston Foundation and must then be approved by the T. B. Maston Foundation Board of Directors. |
Application Requirements
The transcripts, CV/Resume, letters of recommendation, dissertation/thesis abstract, and the essay should be submitted via email to Application, as well as supporting materials, may be scanned and submitted to the same address. Candidates using a printed Scholarship Application should complete the application and return it before January 31, 2025 to: T. B. Maston Foundation Scholarship Committee |